Secondary ypec-2024

SS10 – Brainwave Meditation & Attention Training System

Emotional stress is a common problem we often experience, such as students who face pressure from academics, family, peers, society, emotions, and personal issues. If they all have emotional stress, would it be unbearable? We cannot know for certain. However, what is certain is that ignoring personal mental health in the long term can have serious consequences. In recent years, there has been a rising number of student suicide cases. In less than three months since the start of this academic year, there have been 37 cases of student suicides or suicide attempts in Hong Kong. The main reason is that students face a lot of pressure in their academics, which can lead to emotional issues and even mental health problems. Therefore, we have designed and developed this system, the Brainwave Mindfulness and Focus Training System, to help students alleviate their emotional stress. We hope to achieve the following goals through this system: Using a wearable headband that detects brainwave signals, coupled with a dedicated mobile application, the system automatically plays corresponding mindfulness videos based on the detected values to assist students in engaging in mindfulness activities, thereby achieving the function of calming their minds and relieving stress.

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