Secondary ypec-2024

SS07 – Potential+

Many secondary schools currently lack a comprehensive and holistic approach to life planning education. Students often view life planning as solely focused on career choices, with disorganized activities like job shadowing and self-reflection, while the dominant academic culture renders other learning activities as unimportant. This can result in a lack of student motivation and an incomplete understanding of their true strengths, needs, and potential. The “Potential+” app aims to address these issues by providing a more integrated platform for life planning education. The app facilitates the collection and analysis of comprehensive student records, capturing both academic and non-academic, quantitative and qualitative data. Using AI-powered assessments, the app helps students better evaluate their skills, interests, and personality, and matches them to the most suitable learning activities and experiences. Furthermore, the app leverages generative AI to assist teachers and students in preparing personalized documents, such as reference letters and personal statements, more efficiently and accurately. By taking a more holistic approach to life planning, “Potential+” seeks to cultivate a growth mindset and encourage diverse learning pathways, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling school experience for students.

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