Secondary ypec-2024

SS06 – Smart Wardrobe

Our project is inspired by a recent study conducted by Redress. It revealed that about 1/3 of the clothing in Hongkongers’ wardrobes is rarely or even never worn. It also indicated that 2 out of 5 people only keep their newly purchased clothes for one year or less. Around 1/3 of the unwanted clothes weighing about 196 tonnes are directly sent to landfill sites daily, leading to disastrous environmental impacts. To a certain extent, the abovementioned issues are primarily caused by consumer behaviour for clothing items and throwaway culture under the influence of fast fashion. However, have you ever wondered if poorly organized and messy wardrobes may be a key contributing factor? Our project called ‘SMAR2T Wardrobe’ focuses on 2 Rs in the 4R principle for clothing waste management – ‘Reduce’ and ‘Reuse’. That is why ‘R2’ appears in the project name. It deploys RFID technology to assist people in managing their wardrobes to change their consumer behaviour for clothing items and achieve the 2 Rs ultimately.

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