Undergraduate ypec-2024

UG14 – Travel guard: AI-Enhanced Travel Belt for the Blind

As the traffic environment becomes increasingly complex, visually impaired individuals face numerous challenges when traveling, such as: inability to recognize traffic lights; struggling to pass when tactile paving is occupied; having trouble to use visually-based interactive devices like smartphones; difficulty in timely obstacle avoidance; inability to determine their current location in unfamiliar environments; and difficulty in seeking help during emergencies. Therefore, developing an intelligent travel assistance system based on voice interaction holds significant practical importance. This design aims to create a smart travel assistance system based on voice interaction with the following technical features: 1) Sidewalk detection using computer vision algorithms to detect deviations from the centerline, alerting with a buzzer; 2) Obstacle and traffic signal recognition using deep learning models and radar; 3) Intelligent voice interaction using AI speech recognition and NLP models; 4) GPS positioning to broadcast current location and nearby points of interest; 5) Fall detection using a gyroscope to measure angular velocity and acceleration, sending an emergency alert when necessary. This design not only provides visually impaired individuals with low-cost, high-safety travel assistance services but also enhances their ability and confidence to travel independently, improves their travel experience, and increases their enjoyment of traveling.

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