Undergraduate ypec-2024

UG08 – ArtInSight – An AI-Powered Personalized Art Education Platform

ArtInSight is an AI-powered art learning platform that enhances the way students engage with art by providing personalized learning experiences. To explain in detail, our platform includes an AI Art Vision module that enables users to explore artworks in-depth through instant identification, historical analysis, and comparative insights. With art style analysis, visualized notes, and the ability to explore art history and compare artists, we offer an immersive experience. With our fine-tuned Art GPT users can delve deep into every artwork, via crop-and-ask function to know more about specific area, and interact with our conversational art GPT To facilitate students’ learning and visualize all the knowledge points, we introduce features such as historical timelines, relationship mapping, dynamic challenges, and personalized guidance as well. This multifaceted approach not only facilitates knowledge acquisition but also nurtures creativity, critical thinking, and a lifelong appreciation for the arts. Additionally, ArtinSight utilizes Generative Al to create a polished artwork as reference based on users drawing and offer personlized in-depth comparative suggestions between both artworks. Users can modifiy an existing artpiece with preferred artistic styles, unleashing their artistic potential by generating unique artworks. This can achieve personlized one-on-one coaching on user application technique and improvment.

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