Subdegree ypec-2024

SD09 – AI-Driven Digital Twins: Smart IoT Centre Management System

The project titled ‘AI-Driven Digital Twins: Smart IoT Centre Management System’ aims to bridge the gap between the physical and virtual realms by utilizing digital twin technology. It involves the creation of a 3D model of a VTC Smart City Innovation Centre, which incorporates real-world sensors and smart devices. Centre Administrators can remotely control these devices through the implementation of an AI prompt functionality, using simple prompts. The project primarily targets property management professionals responsible for overseeing IoT facilities, providing them with effective tools for system management, real-time data monitoring, and resource optimization. The project addresses challenges associated with real-time monitoring, efficient resource allocation and predictive maintenance. By seamlessly integrating IoT devices, the system offers valuable insights for informed decision-making. The project’s distinctive features include a simple AI Prompt interface, a visually appealing 3D model, and a multidisciplinary team with expertise in Electrical Engineering and Computer & Electronic Engineering. Short-term objectives involve developing a prototype and expanding the range of supported devices, while long-term goals focus on refinement and scalability. Ultimately, this project empowers administrators to enhance operational efficiency, foster collaboration, and make well-informed decisions, thereby contributing to the development of smarter and interconnected cities.

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