Subdegree ypec-2024

SD04 – Aico – A Platform for AI Collaboration

The project, titled Aico – an AI Collaborative Platform, aims to revolutionise AI interaction by developing a system where multiple AI bots can engage in meaningful and coherent dialogue with each other. Leveraging advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques and machine learning algorithms, the project focuses on creating a robust conversational AI framework. This framework involves training a sophisticated language model using a vast corpus of conversational data to generate contextually appropriate responses. Additionally, a dialogue management system incorporating reinforcement learning and attention mechanisms will be developed to maintain coherence and context throughout interactions. Aico addresses the 1-on-1 human-AI conversation by enabling automated multi-modal AI collaboration among, thereby maximising their collective potential. The platform features a user-friendly Flow-Based Programming (FBP) interface, allowing users to visually program AI interactions and customise AI attributes, making it accessible even to non-technical users. The project is currently in its initial phase, concentrating on data collection, model development, and preliminary testing. The outcomes include enhanced AI conversational abilities, optimised dialogue management, and extensive evaluations to ensure performance. This project has the potential to significantly impact domains such as customer service, virtual assistants, and AI research, pushing the boundaries of AI conversation and interaction.

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