Subdegree ypec-2024

SD01 – SoundScene – Mobile Auditory Orientation Training System

The project introduces a novel Auditory Orientation Training System (AOTS) named SoundScene, designed to enhance spatial awareness and independent navigation for visually impaired individuals. This system, leveraging AI technologies and mobile platforms, consists of two interconnected applications—one for trainees and one for trainers—operating over a local WiFi network using peer-to-peer connectivity. The trainee application uses spatial audio and augmented reality (AR) to create a 3D virtual environment, enabling users to orient themselves using auditory cues. This is achieved through the device’s camera and motion sensors, which adjust the spatial audio output to simulate real-world auditory scenarios. The trainer application facilitates real-time monitoring and dynamic scenario adjustment, enhancing the training experience. SoundScene can function in both connected and disconnected modes, ensuring versatile use in various settings. Evaluated through qualitative and quantitative measures, the system demonstrated significant improvements in the orientation and mobility skills of visually impaired users. It offers a scalable, cost-effective solution that harnesses widely available mobile technology, opening new avenues for training and assistance for the visually impaired, while also benefiting professions requiring enhanced auditory orientation.

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