Open ypec-2024

ON04 – Meter Malfunction Analyser (MMA)

Across the globe, smart meters and Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) are emerging technologies extensively deployed by key players in the energy sector. As Hong Kong’s largest electricity utility, CLP Power Hong Kong Limited (CLP Power) is committed to installing 2.8 million smart meters by 2025 to support the government’s smart city initiative. To address the growing challenges of maintaining meter asset health amid increasing meter volumes, CLP Power’s Smart Metering Remote Monitoring Centre (SMRMC) developed the Meter Malfunction Analyser (MMA). This condition monitoring system consolidates, analyses, and visualises smart meter data on a centralised platform. Leveraging the MMA has substantially reduced the triage time per case, achieving a total of 70% reduction in overall processing time. The number of alarms requiring review has decreased to one-sixth of the previous daily average, while overall precision has more than quadrupled. The MMA has maximised the value of big data as a strategic asset, enhancing condition monitoring performance, streamlining SMRMC operations, and strengthening gatekeeping mechanisms for grid-side irregularities. This data analytics foundation is set to pave the way for CLP’s sustainable development in the digitalisation of metering operations in Hong Kong.

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