Open ypec-2024

ON01 – the Elements: From Data Quality to Retro-commissioning and AI Application

The ELEMENTS mall in Hong Kong, operated by MTR Corporation Limited (MTRC), is spearheading a pioneering project to address the energy efficiency and indoor environmental challenges faced by buildings over two decades old. At the core of this initiative is an advanced AI platform seamlessly integrated into the NEURON digital system, targeting the enhancement of the Mechanical Ventilation and Air Conditioning (MVAC) system. This collaborative effort involves MTRC, Arup providing technical Retro-Commissioning (RCx) consultancy, and Neuron Operations Limited offering strategic AI and Machine Learning (ML) expertise. The project leverages AI and ML techniques, such as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), to refine MVAC operations, optimize chiller efficiency, and enable real-time optimization through predictive regression forecasting. The results have been impressive, with the initiative achieving a minimum of 9% annual reduction in MVAC energy consumption. Improvements in airside optimization and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) have been realized through sensor-enabled monitoring of occupancy levels, enabling proactive adjustments to ventilation and temperature settings. Critically, the project incorporates a data quality assessment framework, facilitating continuous Retro-Commissioning and seamless AI integration. This innovative dual approach of supervised machine learning and self-adaptive reinforcement learning sets a new benchmark in the industry.

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