Student YPEC 2023

SS06 – Eat It All

Hong Kong produces over 3400 tonnes of food waste every day. Current treatment methods – such as decomposing, donation and landfilling – are impractical and unsustainable; and incineration may lead to air pollution. Additionally, huge and increasing amounts also imply a waste of food resources. Working with the principle of reducing waste at the source, we designed the “Eat It All” system. It consists of a smart menu, food shelf and cloud database. On pressing the menu-update button, the prices of dishes are automatically adjusted to give discounts so that soon-to-expire ingredients are consumed faster. Varying dish sizes are also an option so that customers only order what they can finish. The smart menu is connected to the smart food shelf which automatically sends the required ingredients for each dish for cooking. The cloud database (storing data on ingredient quantities and expiry dates) is automatically updated whenever ingredients are added or used. The database also provides information on popular dishes and the ingredient purchase history for reference. With automation leading to convenience, efficiency and accuracy is the key success of the ‘Eat It All” system. “Eat It All, Waste No More!”