Student YPEC 2023

SS05 – VTV Combo

VTV Combo is a set of tools which turns vision into voice. The set of tools can be applied to visually impaired people to help them grasp a better understanding of their surroundings. Many visually impaired individuals struggle with daily activities due to their limited vision. They have difficulty in seeing what surrounds them. Many of them rely on touch and a white cane to navigate their environment. Nowadays technology is so advanced that has improved tremendously compared to the several decades. What technology can bring to assist the visually impaired ones? How, to be exact, artificial intelligence can help? VTV Combo emerges from the idea of bringing AI to these people in need. With VTV Combo, they can use a small camera to identify and distinguish objects, and then receive audio feedback through text-to-speech technology. By integrating OpenCV with TTS, VTV Combo harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to support those in need.