Student YPEC 2023

SS02 – Plast-Eater

Waste disposal problem is a global concern. According to the Hong Kong Waste Reduction Website, in 2021, 21% of waste disposed in landfills is plastic. Through surveys conducted beforehand, we found that most people tend to throw away recyclable plastic due to inconvenience and laziness. Targeting the problem of recyclable plastic being sent to landfills, we have developed Plast-Eater. It is a plastic recycling machine that is able to ‘eat up plastic’. It turns plastics in daily life, such as plastic bottles and containers into valuable souvenirs, which makes recycling a convenient and pleasant experience. Through AI sorting, recyclable plastic and non-plastic waste can be distinguished, which then proceeds to filter out moldable plastic. Plastics are then shredded into small pieces and moulded after melting. The finished products are unique combinations of different types and colours of plastics. An app is linked to Plast-Eater, in which the system employs a network of intelligent algorithms to track individual amounts of recycling and provide recycling tips. In return, users may redeem souvenirs according to their recycling status. Plast-Eater has the potential to significantly increase recycling rate and promote sustainable waste disposal as the plastics can be recycled for numerous times.