Subdegree YPEC2023

SD09 – Intelligent Driver Behavior Detection Services

According to the World Health Organization Road Traffic Injuries Fact Sheet, approximately 1.3 million people die yearly from road traffic crashes. In addition, the fact sheet shows that drivers using mobile phones are about four times more likely to be involved in a crash than drivers not using a mobile phone. Apart from this, dangerous driving behaviours and driver emotions are growing concerns for road safety. This project aims to develop a model for detecting unsafe driving behaviours and analysing driver emotions to avoid and minimise traffic accidents. We focus on detecting distractive behaviours, lousy driving practices, and abnormal feelings. An alert feedback will notify the driver when unsafe driving behaviours are seen. Furthermore, To mitigate the hardware requirement and disturb the driver, the detection framework will host to a cloud platform and connect with all cameras pre-installed in the car. We foresee that an innovative micro-service will monitor all driving behaviours in rented vehicles.

Subdegree YPEC2023

SD12 – AI-Powered ChatGPT Virtual Assistant

The project is a web application developed using Azure Open AI Service and Azure Static Web Apps Serverless infrastructure. The application’s goal is to improve student academic performance by leveraging the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence. The application features a chatbot powered by OpenAI’s GPT-3 language model, which can assist students in generating high-quality written assignments, understanding complex concepts, and providing personalized feedback. Furthermore, the model is bundled with awesome chatbot prompts, allowing the ChatGPT model to talk to provide different features with just a click. It also utilizes Azure Cognitive Services for tasks such as image recognition, speech recognition, and natural language processing. Additionally is deployed using Azure Static Web Apps Serverless infrastructure, which provides a fast and secure way to deploy and manage web applications. It also allows for easy scaling as the number of users and interactions with the application increases