Subdegree ypec-2024

SD09 – AI-Driven Digital Twins: Smart IoT Centre Management System

The project titled ‘AI-Driven Digital Twins: Smart IoT Centre Management System’ aims to bridge the gap between the physical and virtual realms by utilizing digital twin technology. It involves the creation of a 3D model of a VTC Smart City Innovation Centre, which incorporates real-world sensors and smart devices. Centre Administrators can remotely control these devices through the implementation of an AI prompt functionality, using simple prompts. The project primarily targets property management professionals responsible for overseeing IoT facilities, providing them with effective tools for system management, real-time data monitoring, and resource optimization. The project addresses challenges associated with real-time monitoring, efficient resource allocation and predictive maintenance. By seamlessly integrating IoT devices, the system offers valuable insights for informed decision-making. The project’s distinctive features include a simple AI Prompt interface, a visually appealing 3D model, and a multidisciplinary team with expertise in Electrical Engineering and Computer & Electronic Engineering. Short-term objectives involve developing a prototype and expanding the range of supported devices, while long-term goals focus on refinement and scalability. Ultimately, this project empowers administrators to enhance operational efficiency, foster collaboration, and make well-informed decisions, thereby contributing to the development of smarter and interconnected cities.

Secondary ypec-2024

SS10 – Brainwave Meditation & Attention Training System

Emotional stress is a common problem we often experience, such as students who face pressure from academics, family, peers, society, emotions, and personal issues. If they all have emotional stress, would it be unbearable? We cannot know for certain. However, what is certain is that ignoring personal mental health in the long term can have serious consequences. In recent years, there has been a rising number of student suicide cases. In less than three months since the start of this academic year, there have been 37 cases of student suicides or suicide attempts in Hong Kong. The main reason is that students face a lot of pressure in their academics, which can lead to emotional issues and even mental health problems. Therefore, we have designed and developed this system, the Brainwave Mindfulness and Focus Training System, to help students alleviate their emotional stress. We hope to achieve the following goals through this system: Using a wearable headband that detects brainwave signals, coupled with a dedicated mobile application, the system automatically plays corresponding mindfulness videos based on the detected values to assist students in engaging in mindfulness activities, thereby achieving the function of calming their minds and relieving stress.

Secondary ypec-2024

SS06 – Smart Wardrobe

Our project is inspired by a recent study conducted by Redress. It revealed that about 1/3 of the clothing in Hongkongers’ wardrobes is rarely or even never worn. It also indicated that 2 out of 5 people only keep their newly purchased clothes for one year or less. Around 1/3 of the unwanted clothes weighing about 196 tonnes are directly sent to landfill sites daily, leading to disastrous environmental impacts. To a certain extent, the abovementioned issues are primarily caused by consumer behaviour for clothing items and throwaway culture under the influence of fast fashion. However, have you ever wondered if poorly organized and messy wardrobes may be a key contributing factor? Our project called ‘SMAR2T Wardrobe’ focuses on 2 Rs in the 4R principle for clothing waste management – ‘Reduce’ and ‘Reuse’. That is why ‘R2’ appears in the project name. It deploys RFID technology to assist people in managing their wardrobes to change their consumer behaviour for clothing items and achieve the 2 Rs ultimately.

Secondary ypec-2024

SS07 – Potential+

Many secondary schools currently lack a comprehensive and holistic approach to life planning education. Students often view life planning as solely focused on career choices, with disorganized activities like job shadowing and self-reflection, while the dominant academic culture renders other learning activities as unimportant. This can result in a lack of student motivation and an incomplete understanding of their true strengths, needs, and potential. The “Potential+” app aims to address these issues by providing a more integrated platform for life planning education. The app facilitates the collection and analysis of comprehensive student records, capturing both academic and non-academic, quantitative and qualitative data. Using AI-powered assessments, the app helps students better evaluate their skills, interests, and personality, and matches them to the most suitable learning activities and experiences. Furthermore, the app leverages generative AI to assist teachers and students in preparing personalized documents, such as reference letters and personal statements, more efficiently and accurately. By taking a more holistic approach to life planning, “Potential+” seeks to cultivate a growth mindset and encourage diverse learning pathways, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling school experience for students.

Secondary ypec-2024

SS02 – AIm for Memory

Patients with Alzheimer’s disease and elderly individuals gradually lose and forget their past happy memories, leading to feelings of loneliness and isolation. That’s why our team aims to design an interactive device called “AIm for Memory” that utilizes Artificial Intelligence to help them retrieve their past memories more naturally, fostering connections with their family and friends. “AIm for Memory” is a portable interactive system equipped with a camera, AI system for object and hand posture detection, and a mini projector mounted on a mechanical arm. The device displays relevant information on the desk. Patients or elderly individuals place personal belongings, such as an old watch, under the camera, The AI system detects the object and recalls the associated video/photo of his/her son (the watch was a gift from him). The projection occurs directly onto the desk, eliminating the need for the patients or elderly to interact with a tablet or smartphone. This approach ensures a more natural human-machine interface as it removes the requirement for pressing buttons or speaking words, which can be challenging for them. By utilizing AI to establish a connection between objects and memories, we aim to leverage technology to overcome technological barriers and facilitate meaningful human connections.

Subdegree ypec-2024

SD06 – Gemini Pro Vision AI Screen Reader

Generative artificial intelligence (Gen AI) such as Google Gemini can be used to bridge the information gap of internet access for visual impairments. The problem being addressed is the inability of visually impaired individuals to access image information due to the lack of adherence to W3C web accessibility initiatives by websites. Currently, about 60% of websites lack meaningful alternate text for their images. Moreover, it is unfeasible to retroactively add descriptive text to all existing websites manually. Sometimes, the provided web image description may not fit what visual impairments want. As a result, we’ve turbocharged the traditional Google ChromeVox Classic Screen Reader with the mighty power of Google Gemini Pro Vision to tackle the challenge of web image information access for those with visual impairments. Not just providing automatic descriptions for internet images, but also as an assistant for visual impairments daily use. For instance, when they are shopping online, the Gen AI provides detailed descriptions on the commodities such as the appearance and the usage. It helps them to buy stuffs online confidently. By utilising the popular and fully functional opensource screen reader, we can quickly provide a production-ready and affordable solution to the visual impaired people.

Subdegree ypec-2024

SD08 – AudioSense

he AudioSense project aims to improve the accessibility and understanding of visual content for visually impaired individuals in today’s multimedia-rich era. By leveraging innovative artificial intelligence technology, our tool can automatically identify video content, generate accurate descriptive text, and convert it into auditory information through speech synthesis. This enables visually impaired individuals to “shape by sound,” enhancing their ability to access digital information and improving their quality of life. AudioSense surpasses the limitations of traditional audio description production by increasing efficiency and providing visually impaired users with a more immersive video experience through high-quality descriptions. Additionally, our system supports multiple languages, making it globally accessible to visually impaired individuals regardless of language or region. The innovation of this project extends beyond technological advancements, as it contributes to enhancing social inclusiveness and promoting barrier-free access to information. The AudioSense development team is dedicated to creating a more open and equal information society for everyone through continuous technological innovation.

Subdegree ypec-2024

SD07 – SafeBuild Guardians: AI-Powered Drone & RoboDog Safety System

The goal of the SafeBuild Guardians project is to ensure construction worker safety through the integration of AI-powered drones and robotic dogs. The robotic dog system uses Google Cloud Platform and AWS, incorporating services such as Gemini Pro Vision for pipe crack detection to enable preventive maintenance. It also utilizes AWS PPE service to ensure PPE compliance. Additionally, the robotic dog is equipped with gas sensors for detecting toxic gases like methane, chlorine, and alcohol, enhancing site safety. It features a speaker and microphone to enable direct communication with workers, facilitating immediate responses during emergencies. The AI-powered drone also employs AWS PPE service to monitor PPE compliance from an aerial perspective, covering larger areas efficiently. By combining these technologies, the system provides comprehensive site coverage, offering 360-degree monitoring with no blind spots. This dual approach enhances preventive measures by detecting issues early, significantly reducing accident risks. The ability to communicate directly with workers through the robotic dog ensures rapid response and coordination during critical situations. SafeBuild Guardians leverages cutting-edge technology to create a safer construction environment, protecting workers and improving operational safety standards, making it a vital innovation in the construction industry.

Subdegree ypec-2024

SD11 – Project: School AI

The HKDSE examination places significant milestone on both students and teachers during their secondary school life, with teachers striving to maintain a strong reputation for delivering exceptional results, while students seek favorable outcomes to facilitate their academic progression. In response to these challenges, our project aims to develop an innovative system that supports intelligent learning and caters to the diverse needs of students. The proposed system will serve as a reliable and accessible platform, capable of handling the teaching load and operating 24/7. Students will have the flexibility to ask questions and seek clarifications about their syllabus knowledge at any time, facilitating a continuous learning experience. Additionally, the system will employ intelligent algorithms to simulate public examination papers, enabling students to practice and evaluate their performance. Through real-time feedback and personalized recommendations, the system will assist students in identifying areas for improvement, enhancing their overall exam readiness.

Subdegree ypec-2024

SD13 – Safety Detection For The Work Of Heights

In the first half of 2023, the number of occupational injury cases in our region reached a staggering 14,197, with a fatality rate of 9.7 per thousand employees. Industrial accidents, particularly within the construction sector, accounted for a significant portion of these incidents. In response to this alarming trend, our project aims to develop a Smart Site Safety System that aligns with the government’s initiative for enhanced safety measures in construction sites.. Our project focuses on developing a model to assess the safety of three main industrial tools: ladder platforms, hop-up platforms, and mobile lift tables. By leveraging machine learning or deep learning techniques, we aim to develop a monitoring intelligence that can accurately detect and evaluate the safety aspects of these tools. The detection results will be showcased on a streaming platform, providing users with immediate feedback, and promoting the correct usage of industrial equipment. Therefore, It can enhance workplace safety and foster a culture of responsible tool usage in industrial settings.